With the holidays upon us and all of the beauty of Christmas at its peak, I have to admit how bummed I've been about not decorating or really participating in holidays. Part of the problem is that we don't have family or close friends in the area. I'm used to having Pollyanna dinners, Christmas gift exchanges and other fun holiday events...the miles just don't allow it :(
Another part of the problem is that we have been living out of boxes and didn't think it made sense to haul out all of our decorations this year. I've literally been avoiding all Christmas decorations in Target because I buy something there almost every year, ha ha! So for now, we're just sticking to the little tree and a few other decorations that were just sitting in a Rubbermaid container and easy to access. Special thanks to my Aunt and Uncle who sent us some Christmas presents (a ton!) which we have to wait until Christmas for! We're so excited!
So, in the mean time, I'm drooling over everyone else's decorations and sharing my neighbor's festive holiday lights...
Okay, so I intended my actual next door neighbor's photo but came across
this one from Hollywood Studios which is puuurrtyyy (and also a
neighbor:) |
Feel free to add comments or links to your Christmas decor, I'd love to see it!
Final Note: I can't believe it is December 23rd and 84 degrees outside! I am loving this but it's very confusing to a northerner like me! I keep thinking it's summer, ha ha!
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