Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Very First Post

   So I've finally done it, I've entered the world of blogging!  I've been hemming and hawing over it now for a few months.  There are so many exciting and interesting blogs out there in the world and I can only hope to live up to the interest they offer!  So, let's try this out!

   I decided to create a blog that will chronicle the next few months...years...decades... of dreams.  Who knows, I guess that will depend on a lot of different factors.  As I write this, I'm just hope I'm interesting enough for you to finish reading this post!  ha ha!  
   I guess today's post will be about the dream which is most present in my mind: finding a home!  My husband and I began the house hunting process in October and we are under contract for a short sale.  We love the place!  It's in a nice, neighborly area, has beautiful palm trees out front and an open living room/kitchen area I fell in love with.  I've been dreaming of all the decorating I can't wait to do. The house even has enough space for my hubby and I to have our own "rooms" (mine for scrapbooking, his as an office), PLUS a guest room for our friends and family that we can't wait to see!
   Now, if any of you are familiar, a short sale can take up to 5 months on average (and possibly more:Info on Short Sales). Soooooo, we are trying not to get our hopes up too much....and we're trying to be very patient, but AHHHHH I just want to know already!  ha ha!  Part of the problem is that we are living in a fairly small villa, dealing with a sketchy "remodel" (AKA, we made everything look pretty but don't pull on the blinds, flush that toilet or try to open the sliding glass door thankyouverymuch).  We also have a bunch of our things that make a place feel at home packed up.  
   Since we knew we were looking to buy a home, we decided not to unpack all the way...
Yes, this is the second bedroom AKA storage until we get a house!

Florida winter (so far) has been very friendly to us and we haven't had to dig that darn box (that you KNOW is at the bottom of the closet) out just yet to get sweaters.   We're hoping to find out about the house (*not calling it ours yet so I don't jinx myself!) in the next month or so.  Our Realtor seems pretty positive and he's a short sale master!
     Anyone else in the same boat?  Been there, done that?  Let me know!  I'm sure there are some horror stories too, they'll help keep me in reality!  Thanks for reading (if you made it this far!)


  1. I saw your comment on "going a little coastal" and thought I would take a look at your blog. Interesting to note that you are going though a short sale. We bought our house in 2006 and it was a short sale. BUT....we didn't know it at the time. Long story..but it came out great in the end. So I hope your dream comes true. Good luck with the blogging. Have you seen the Somerset Magazine for Bloggers? You will get some good info there. I don't blog but I look at a lot of blogs every day. I always wanted to visit Florida. I live in Marysville Washington. Merry Christmas. Marilyn

  2. Hey Marilyn! Thanks for dropping by! I love the Going a Little Coastal Blog, it's actually the first one I stumbled upon (I think I searched living in FL). Ouch, that stinks you didn't know about the short sale! We're hoping ours works out as well. Then I can take some of the advice from all of these blogs I follow, lol! I'll be posting a list within the next day or so of my favorites so pop by if you want more inspiration. Some of the people are up north too! I've never seen that magazine but it would probably help me immensely! I haven't even figured out how to "reply" to you on the blog, lol! Wow, Washington, I've never been to Washington but I have a secret goal (dream I suppose, lol) of visiting all of the states...I'm slacking a bit but I have some years left! Thanks for stopping by!

