Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sooo, sooo close!

     Latest news is......our inspection went fine (I may or may not have posted about this).  The biggest issue is an outlet which could probably use an electrician (he said 220V and death and it scared me, being clumsy and all) and the garage door opener needs replacing.  So, no deal breakers.
     The next step was the appraisal.  It came in 5K less than our offer soooooo, now we wait for the seller to agree (done!) and then the Bank (since it's a short sale!).  Ahhhhhh, again, I'm losing my mind, lol.  This is the last big hurdle (at least we hope so).  I have been "dreaming" endlessly about this house.  It didn't help that both the inspection and appraisal report had more pictures for me to look at, droll over, remodel in my mind, lol.  I am soooo much more in love with this house and sooooo ready to move in.  Please say some prayers, hope for us, wish on stars, whatever it is you believe in.  Me, I will be doing all of the above!!!!

In the mean time, here's my short list of things that we want to do semi-immediately or HAVE to do:

  • purchase refrigerator (the only appliance not included) We like the french door but are def looking for a bargain, let us know if you have any suggestions!!!
  • remove magenta (yes!) carpet from master and replace (bamboo floors? suggestions?)
  • remove all wallpaper borders (almost every room)
  • paint (bedrooms for the most part (but also a lavender bathroom that is connected to the pink master, lol)
  • re-tile master shower/wall
So, any pointers, tips?????? Any good jokes to help me keep my mind off the fact we are waiting to hear???? anyone, someone?  ha ha!  Send me any good links that go along with my to do list too!!

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